Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Fashion of Packing for Six - First Stop: Iceland

This trip is going to challenge my ability to ‘pack light’ big time. 6 people in at least 4 (very different!) countries in 4 weeks? Yikes! It’s going to be hot most of the trip, so that’s one thing to consider. The modesty requirements on some of our stops will be another thing to consider. On top of that there’s that whole malaria-carrying-mosquitos thing... no biggy. Versatile items that don’t show dirt and wear are probably going to be the requirement. I’m happier in skirts than shorts or capris so I will be taking a pile of those. Google and Pinterest are a great help in this area and I only WISH I was cool enough to pull off (or remember to pull off) those great outifts!!!

Let’s start at the beginning...


We’re not talking about a tropical location here folks, the Weather Network informs me that the average temp in Celsius is 9 in June and 11 in July. So for this stop we’ll need light jackets and sweaters, possibly even a pair of mitts and a hat. Depending on if we stop here on the return trip it might be worth dropping these at a donation box so we are not taking hats and mitts through the dessert. Swim suits are a necessity as we'll be hitting the springs and spas and there's the off chance we'll get a beach day. 

When I think of Iceland I think of Bjork. How can you not? (Of course now I also think of “Of Monsters and Men” - maybe we’ll catch a show?) A quick little Google search shows me where her fashion sense came from. The people of Iceland have found a way to turn the necessary fashion of the cold climate into an array of colours and patterns and textures with a totally unique flare. It looks like downtown Reykjavik (eventually I’ll be able to spell that without cheating) has a downtown shopping stretch with local designers and interesting goods. I can’t wait to peruse these shops and find some treasures I can guarantee you no one will have back home! 

Check out these gorgeous ladies captured on the street by an Icelandic Design Blog. Nothing dreary here, Newfoundlanders could take a page out of this book!

The long and short of it is layers are going to be key in Iceland since we won’t be bringing heavy clothing along. If we come back through, the shopping will have to wait!

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