Foxy joined our family last summer after Bridger and Barton spent 10 days in Leicester City, England training with local football teams and watching championship league games. They brought this souvenir home for Mattea who turned 5 the day they left.
I'm not sure what it is, but sometimes a child forms a strong bond with something that surprises you. That cheap summer fair toy, a ratty old blanket or in this case, a simple stuffed fox in a King Power jersey. Mattea's pretty girly, it's not a good day if she's not wearing pink and she just can't understand why everyone doesn't want to wear dresses and tights every... single... day... She has barbies, dolls with beautiful dresses and others with lovely hair I have to help her style. But none of these can compare to Foxy. He is soft, so cuddly and I'm thinking in her heart she's knows how special he is because her big brother brought him back for her after a very special trip.
Foxy has his own crib beside her bed, has been swaddled, cuddled and carried in a front carrying baby sling fashioned out of blankets. And in true British fashion - has been to a tea party.
One of Mattea's friends had a birthday party tea party and they were all to bring a stuffy. Foxy went along... but Foxy didn't come home. Foxy enjoyed a few sleep overs there as we tried to coordinate a pick up time. I kid you not, when Foxy was back in her arms she had that "tears of joy" voice and wouldn't let him go. Or is it a 'her'?

Foxy accompanies Mattea almost everywhere - most recently yesterday, when he tagged along to our second immunization prepping for our overseas travel. He was very good at helping her stay strong through her shot (which most definitely hurt more than the first!). That was when Mattea started to discuss Foxy's overseas travels with us...
If you're not caught up, this summer we leave for Iceland, Dubai, Kenya and finally England - the birthplace of Foxy himself! Mattea has every intention of Foxy taking these travels with us and wants to document it all.
So, stay turned for photos of Foxy from all corners of the earth!