Barton left this morning for Toronto for a resident shin-dig called "Making the Mark." It's a weekend of studying and seminars that help prepare them for the exam and beyond (I think!). Unfortunately, every previous year this has been paid for and held in Banff, allowing a little ski time in between. This year it was NOT paid for and it's in Scarbourough. Party!
Anyway, it does signify the beginning of the end - the home stretch. On April 6th and 7th Barton writes his first final exams here in St John's (39 days!) and then between May 27th and 30th he'll be in Ottawa for the oral exam, the last of the last.
This will be the end of a 12 year journey for him and the start of a regular life of working! It's been a long road for all of us and we're ready to move on to the next chapter and welcome the opportunities it will provide!!! Wish him luck!